
Madhurashtakam consisting of a group of eight shlokas (Ashtakam) is in praise of Lord Krishna who has been depicted as a manifestation of all-round sweetness (madhurya). The Ashtakam was composed by Vallabhacharya (1479-1531 CE) born in Benaras who propagated his doctrine of Bhakti (devotion) through God Krishna. He addressed Krishna fondly as Shrinathji.
Vallabhacharya was the contemporary of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Surdas was his disciple. All of them were instrumental in popularizing the Krishna cult in India. The same bhakti and love for Krishna was shown by Meerabai later on. He advocated the path of Pustimarga (path of grace) which teaches the devotee how to offer selfless love and devotion to Shrinathji.
The melodious sound emanating from the recital of Ashtakam is itself spell-binding. The rhymings are superb and they can connect the devotee with the lord. The Ashtakam has the quality of spreading positivity around the reciter. The sweetness inherent in every activity of Lord Krishna has been described in detail by the composer. The same type of sweetness was described by Surdas for child Krishna.
The Ashtakam has been recommended for recitation by all who believe in the divine intimacy existing between the devotee and Lord Krishna (Shrinathji). This is common remedy for healing marital discord.
अधरं मधुरं वदनं मधुरं नयनं मधुरं हसितं मधुरम् ।
हृदयं मधुरं गमनं मधुरं मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम् ॥१॥
Adharam Madhuram Vadanam Madhuram Nayanam Madhuram Hasitam Madhuram |
Hrdayam Madhuram Gamanam Madhuram Madhura-Adhipater-Akhilam Madhuram ||1||
Your lips are sweet and charming, your face is sweet and charming, your eyes are sweet and charming and your laughter is sweet and charming, your heart is sweet and charming and your Walking is sweet and charming; everything about you is sweet and charming, O Lord of sweetness.
वचनं मधुरं चरितं मधुरं वसनं मधुरं वलितं मधुरम् ।
चलितं मधुरं भ्रमितं मधुरं मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम् ॥२॥
Vachanam Madhuram Charitam Madhuram Vasanam Madhuram Valitam Madhuram |
Chalitam Madhuram Bhramitam Madhuram Madhura-Adhipater-Akhilam Madhuram ||2||
Your speech is sweet and charming, your nature is sweet and charming, your garments are sweet and charming your bent posture is sweet and charming, your walking is sweet and charming and your creation of confusion is sweet and charming; everything about you is sweet and charming, O Lord of sweetness.
वेणुर्मधुरो रेणुर्मधुरः पाणिर्मधुरः पादौ मधुरौ ।
नृत्यं मधुरं सख्यं मधुरं मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम् ॥३॥
Vennur-Madhuro Rennur-Madhurah Paannir-Madhurah Paadau Madhurau |
Nrtyam Madhuram Sakhyam Madhuram Madhura-Adhipater-Akhilam Madhuram ||3||
Your flute is sweet and charming, your flowers (with pollen) are sweet and charming, your hands are sweet and charming your feet are sweet and charming, your dance is sweet and charming and your friendship is sweet and charming; everything about you is sweet and charming, O Lord of sweetness.
गीतं मधुरं पीतं मधुरं भुक्तं मधुरं सुप्तं मधुरम् ।
रूपं मधुरं तिलकं मधुरं मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम् ॥४॥
Giitam Madhuram Piitam Madhuram Bhuktam Madhuram Suptam Madhuram |
Ruupam Madhuram Tilakam Madhuram Madhura-Adhipater-Akhilam Madhuram ||4||
Your singing is sweet and charming, your drinking is sweet and charming, your eating is sweet and charming your sleeping is sweet and charming, your form is sweet and charming and your Mark on your forehead is sweet and charming; everything about you is sweet and charming, O Lord of sweetness.
करणं मधुरं तरणं मधुरं हरणं मधुरं रमणं मधुरम् ।
वमितं मधुरं शमितं मधुरं मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम् ॥५॥
Karannam Madhuram Tarannam Madhuram Harannam Madhuram Ramannam Madhuram |
Vamitam Madhuram Shamitam Madhuram Madhura-Adhipater-Akhilam Madhuram ||5||
Your acts are sweet and charming, your carrying over is sweet and charming, your stealing is sweet and charming and your divine love play is sweet and charming, your exuberance is sweet and charming and your relaxation is sweet and charming; everything about you is sweet and charming, O Lord of sweetness.
गुञ्जा मधुरा माला मधुरा यमुना मधुरा वीची मधुरा ।
सलिलं मधुरं कमलं मधुरं मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम् ॥६॥
Gun.jaa Madhuraa Maalaa Madhuraa Yamunaa Madhuraa Vichi Madhuraa |
Salilam Madhuram Kamalam Madhuram Madhura-Adhipaterakhilam Madhuram ||6||
Your humming is sweet and charming, your garland is sweet and charming, Your Yamuna is sweet and charming your waves (of Yamuna) are sweet and charming, your water (of Yamuna) is sweet and charming your lotus is sweet and charming; everything about you is sweet and charming, O Lord of sweetness.
गोपी मधुरा लीला मधुरा युक्तं मधुरं मुक्तं मधुरम् ।
दृष्टं मधुरं शिष्टं मधुरं मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम् ॥७॥
Gopii Madhuraa Liilaa Madhuraa Yuktam Madhuram Muktam Madhuram |
Drishtam Madhuram Shissttam Madhuram Madhura-Adhipaterakhilam Madhuram ||7||
Your Gopis (Cowherd Girls) are sweet and charming, your divine play is sweet and charming, your togetherness is sweet and charming and your setting free is sweet and charming, your glance is sweet and charming your courtesy is sweet and charming; everything about you is sweet and charming, O Lord of sweetness.
गोपा मधुरा गावो मधुरा यष्टिर्मधुरा सृष्टिर्मधुरा ।
दलितं मधुरं फलितं मधुरं मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम् ॥८॥
Gopaa Madhuraa Gaavo Madhuraa Yassttir-Madhuraa Srssttir-Madhuraa |
Dalitam Madhuram Phalitam Madhuram Madhura-Adhipaterakhilam Madhuram ||8||
Your Gopas (Cowherd Boys) are sweet and charming, your Cows are sweet and charming, your Staff is sweet and charming your creation is sweet and charming, your breaking is sweet and charming and your making is sweet and charming; everything about you is sweet and charming, O Lord of sweetness.
I am a Vedic astrologer by profession. I have done Jyotish Acharya from Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan. I am devoted to my Sadguru Shri Sai Nath of Shirdi. I am also interested in spirituality. I love to guide people.