Monomelic Amyotrophy (Form of Neurological disorder) – Astrological Viewpoint

Daily Journey of Mind
Categories : Astrology

Monomelic amyotrophy (MMA) is characterised by progressive degeneration and loss of motor neurons, the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord that are responsible for controlling voluntary muscles. It is characterised by weakness and wasting in a single limb, usually an arm and hand than a foot and leg. While some physicians contend that mild sensory loss may be associated with the disease, many experts suggest that such symptoms actually indicate a cause other than MMA. MMA occurs in males between the ages of 15 and 25. Onset and progression are slow.

The horoscope belongs to a male native who has asked questions about his health. His question is given below for the purpose of reference.

Question: My left thigh muscle has developed some weakness and doctors have diagnosed it as Monomelic Amyotrophy. This is a Neurological disorder and allopathic doctors say there is no cure. Weakness in the thigh is creating a problem in my knee. This problem started about 1.5 years back.

In Vedic astrology, thighs are seen from the ninth house. The placement and condition of the ninth house and its lord are relevant for judging any disease connected with thighs. The ninth lord in this case is Mercury that happens to be placed in the twelfth house. This placement cannot be considered good. Though, the silver lining is that Mercury is exalted in the twelfth house. The ninth house is afflicted by the placement of Saturn and Moon in the Rahu / Ketu axis.

The placement of the fifth lord Saturn in the ninth house in the Rahu / Ketu axis forms “Pitra Dosha” (ancestral curse). Affliction to the ninth house continues in the Navamsa chart as Rahu is placed there. Further, the house receives the aspect of Saturn.

The Dwadasamsa chart is seen for parents. Therefore, this horoscope may be considered handy for tracing the karmic records in the family. Here, we see that Mercury happens to be debilitated. The fifth lord Jupiter is placed in the sixth house and is afflicted by conjunction with Rahu. Sun the planet associated with father is afflicted by Saturn, Mars and Rahu / Ketu axis. The horoscope indicates “Pitra Dosha” (ancestral problems) prevalent in the family.

It is relevant to note that neurological disorders are also seen from the condition of Mercury in the horoscope. Mercury is placed in its Rashi of debilitation in the Dwadasamsa chart as well as in the Trisamsa chart. Trisamsa chart is the divisional chart relevant for judging health-related issues in the horoscope. In the chart, we can see the affliction of Venus by Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu. The affliction is taking place in the ninth house of the Trisamsa chart. This is further confirming that “Pitra Dosha” is the main cause of the health-related complications.