The Glory of Ramlala at Ayodhya

The Pran Pratishtha Samaroha (ceremony of imparting life to an idol) at Ayodhya was observed by millions across the globe. The real-time viewership of an event on an authorized YouTube channel of Prime Minister Narendra Modi reached an all-time high of 1.17 crores on 22.01.2024 breaking all previous records. This is a pointer towards changing times and the leanings of the younger generation.
Although Vedic rituals continued for several days, the Shubh Muhurta (most auspicious time) for Pran Pratistha was only 84 seconds long from 12:29:08 PM to 12:30:32 PM calculated by astrology. According to media reports, the 84 seconds of the Muhurta was utilized in the most disciplined manner as outlined below.
- Pran Pratishtha Mantra: 47 seconds
- Special Mantra before Aarati: 08 seconds
- Mantra Aarati with Gayatri: 13 seconds
- Pran Sthirikaran Mantra: 04 seconds
- Namaskar Mantra: 08 seconds
- Establishing divine power in limbs by Mantra: 04 seconds
Total: 84 seconds
The Vigrah of Ramlala depicting Him as 5 years old is very appealing which overwhelmed all the devotees present. We were accustomed to the Balrupa of Krishna only and the view of Balrupa of Ram was a new experience.
Since Ram, Krishna, and Narayan are the same, it will be pertinent to go through the extensiveness of Narayan in the Shukla Yajur Vediya Subala Upanishad. Narayan is the Brahma who is all pervasive as narrated in the Upanishad (Chapter 6/1).
- The one divine Narayan alone is the mainstay of all creation, the eye and what is seen.
- The ear and what is heard are Narayan, the nose and what is smelt are Narayan, and the tongue and what is tasted are Narayan.
- The skin and what is touched are Narayan, the understanding and what is understood are Narayan.
- The self-sense and its contents are Narayan, the thinking mind and what is thought are Narayan, the voice and what is spoken are Narayan.
- The two hands and what is handled are Narayan, the two feet and what is traversed are Narayan, the sustainer, ordainer, the doer, the non-doer, the celestial radiance are the one Narayan.
- The Adityas, the Rudras, the Maruts, the Asvins, the Rigveda, the Yajurveda, the Samveda, the Atharvaveda, the hymns, the sacrificial fires are Narayan.
- Mother, father, brother, abode, shelter, friend and the path leading to life eternal are Narayan, the Viraja, the Sudarshan, the Saumya, the Amogha, the Amrit, the Satya, the Asura, the Surya are the divine channels of Narayan.
- He is Varun, the Aryaman, the Moon, he is the division of time, the devourer of time, the creator, Prajapati, Indra, the days and the half days, aeons and great aeons, he is up in all directions. All this is Narayan.
- Sages are constantly in the most exalted state of Vishnu as the eyes see the sky. These learned knowers of Brahma with their passions cast away, with their inner senses alert, declare clearly (to ignorant people) that most exalted state of Vishnu.
- Thus is the doctrine leading to liberation. This is the doctrine of the Veda.
The system of Namjaap is a popular medium to keep Narayan in memory. The monthly journal Kalyan published by Gitapress, Gorakhpur, monitors the Namjaap of devotees. The following 16-word mantra has been prescribed for devotees.
“Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare,
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare”
The journal reported in its 97/10 issue that during the 5 months from Kartik Shukla Purnima to Chaitra Shukla Purnima (last year) the above-noted mantra was chanted 49,75,88,800 (Forty-Nine Crore Seventy-Five Lakhs Eighty-Eight Thousand Eight Hundred) times by devotees who reported about chanting to the Namjap office of Kalyan.
The 16-word mantra is like a fast-flowing stream which will mesmerize when accompanied by harmonium, dholak and Majira. The second mantra which is equally popular among the masses is the shorter one.
“Shri Krishna Govinda Hare Murare
Hey Nath Narayan Vasudeva”
This mantra signifies the peacefulness of a placid lake. If this mantra is mentally chanted without any movement of lips, it will make the mind stress-free. A condition of internal pleasure and bliss is obtainable from the mantra.
I am a Vedic astrologer by profession. I have done Jyotish Acharya from Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan. I am devoted to my Sadguru Shri Sai Nath of Shirdi. I am also interested in spirituality. I love to guide people.